Connect, collaborate and create technology for emergency responders.
The Tech to Protect Challenge, implemented by the RedFlash Group and SecondMuse under contract with the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) Division, is a national open innovation contest designed to help emergency responders—including EMS, firefighters and police—accomplish their mission to serve and protect our communities nationwide.
Join entrepreneurs, inventors, and innovators with diverse backgrounds who share a common interest in creating technology that can improve the safety of their communities. Regardless of your area or level of expertise, we invite you to use your talents and join researchers, scientists, and emergency responders in advancing technologies and applications for public safety.
and help emergency responders save lives
Help emergency responders save lives by advancing the future of public safety communications.

Challenge Supporters

National Co-Sponsors
Public Safety Partners

Watch this video to learn how you can get involved
September Tech to Protect Challenge Winners Announced
13 Teams Recognized at Nationwide Regional Codeathons held Sept. 27-29, 2019
Congratulations to the September Tech to Protect Challenge winners who were recognized for their innovative technologies developed at the regional codeathons held September 27-29. Participants attended events in Washington D.C.; Chicago, IL; Denver, CO; and College Station, TX, to connect, collaborate and create for emergency responder communications.
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